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If you want to build a list using the Secret Email System, follow these simple steps:

  1. The system provides you with several lead magnets that your target audience would be interested in. This could be a book, email swipes, ebook, a video, a cheat sheet, or anything else that provides value.
  2. Set up a landing page where visitors can enter their name and email address in exchange for your lead magnet. Keep the landing page simple and focused on the benefits of the lead magnet.
  3. Connect your landing page to an email service provider (ESP) that supports the Secret Email System. Some popular ESPs that support this system include Aweber, GetResponse, and ConvertKit.
  4. Create a welcome email sequence that delivers the lead magnet and begins to build a relationship with your new subscribers. Make sure to write your own emails and personalize your emails and provide additional value beyond the lead magnet.
  5. Continue to send regular emails to your list, providing valuable content and promoting your products or services. Use the Secret Email System techniques to craft compelling subject lines and email content that engages your subscribers and drives conversions.

By following these steps, you can build a high-quality email list using the Secret Email System that can help you grow your business and achieve your goals.